The following principles guide a critical investigation into local authority housing databases and issues of regeneration.
1. Create actions, strategies, and things which can be shared:
Be aware of duplication of effort.
2. Think technically, politically, socially, creatively, legally:
Any activity is an opportunity to reflect on constantly changing world of houses, databases and regeneration.
3. Generally Keep text simple and to a minimum, draw from expertise:
Housing is a complex issue so be aware of jargon and which domain kit emerges from.
4. Create invitations and value contributions:
Text, software, images, devices, contraptions or ideas can be an invitation or prompt to others for further action. Any contribution, however small should be valued.
5. Consider how technologies shaping housing decisions:
Ask how decisions are made, who and what was involved in that process, and how might an alternative technological configuration produce a different outcome.
6. What is understood as data, databases, organisation, and what people and things do is not often not clear:
Simply follow what ‘feels’ important even if you can’t articulate it at the time.
7. Celebrate, record, and communicate mistakes:
Lots of small experiments, observations, and mistakes produce valuable insight that can later be acted on.
8. Find humour:
Regeneration is horrible experience for residents which is best laughed at to take away some of its power.